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RADIODATA has been a recognized internship company since March 1st, 2023. As a manufacturer of professional mobile radio devices and systems, we offer internships in development and production. Apply for an internship in a modern radio system technology environment with outstanding hardware and software solutions.

May 2019 - RADIODATA is the world's first manufacturer to have DMR Tier III radios in its range that are approved for use in railways. For this purpose, the devices were subjected to tests according to EN 45545 and EN 50155. The two device variants SE2221D-R and SE2221D-GPS-R are now available.

At the PMRExpo 2019, RADIODATA presented its modernized Public Safety radio family SAFIR-T.

The new ARGUS control unit enables quick and clear parameterization of all fire department requirements and easy connection of the required peripheral devices using a touchscreen, web server, log file and LTE modem.

RADIODATA will once again be exhibiting at the BODeV conference in Fulda this year. This established industry meeting will take place this year on 19 and 20 June, once again at the Hotel Esperanto. 
RADIODATA will be presenting the latest developments in the field of BOS object radio and will be available on site for questions and project discussions. 
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The Temelín nuclear power plant (JETE) is the largest power plant in the Czech Republic in terms of output with 2164 MW. JETE has used an analogue radio system for many years, but this is to be replaced by a new radio system following the experience of Fukushima. JETE's management thoroughly examined several options and ultimately decided in favour of a DIPRA DMR Tier III solution from RADIODATA.
The company's requirements for the new radio network were very specific. The new radio network naturally had to ensure radio coverage on the nuclear power plant's premises so that communication via handheld radios was possible. The DMR Tier III solution supplied by RADIODATA ensures radio communication in the demanding environment of electricity production. For a company the size of JETE with many employees, smooth installation and integration of workflows is important. The project is being realised together with the Czech partner company TTC and will be fully handed over to JETE in 2025.