Newtonstraße 18 • 12489 Berlin +49 30 75681-3

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RF Components

Reflectometer / Directional coupler

The RADIODATA reflectometer measures transmitted and reflected RF power, providing 1 dB accuracy in the 50 MHz to 500 MHz range. It is designed for use in the PMR and Public Safety bands for monitoring base stations/radio devices and the antenna system. The beacons of DMO1b repeaters can also be monitored with an additional module.

Technical data

Frequency range 50 MHz ... 500 MHz
Max. RF power 50 dBm (100 W)
Separation > 30 dB @ 470 MHz
> 20 dB @ 70 MHz
Sensitivity 100 mV/dBm @ 30 dBm ... 50 dBm
Measuring error ≤ 1 dBm @ 30 dBm ... 50 dBm
≤ 2 dBm @ 20 dBm ... 50 dBm
RF ports N sockets
Supply voltage 10 V ... 16 V
Supply  current approx. 60 mA


Optical RF Distribution
Optical RF disribution systems extend the RF coverage in large buildings
In-Building Coverage
Safe and secure commuinications in public buildings like hospitals, conferenc centers, malls, airports, train stations etc.
DIPRA® - Digital Professional Radio
Reliable DMR Tier II and Tier III communications systems
Mining Radio Communication
Radio Communication Systems tailored for the needs of mining companies
DMR -Simulcast solutions for Tier II and Tier III
Portable Mobile Radio
Portable Mobile Radio solutions
Audio Processing Gateway
A compact device to integrate digital and analog radio systems
High quality RF components for 50 MHz up to 500 MHz
Groundplane-Antennas for analog and digital radio systems