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In-Building Radio Coverage

In order to ensure radio communication in large buildings a special type of radio repeater is the solution of choice. Required by law, property owners or the respective operators of buildings are obliged in many countries to provide such communication free of charge to first responders, i.e. fire fighters, police and emergency services. This applies to all important and large objects, including but not limited to, office buildings, train stations, airports and tunnels, without coverage by the transmitter serving the area.

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Many countries still require analog in-building radio coverage. However, those countries already having launched TETRA public safety radio networks more and more have a demand for digital in-building solutions.

The analog SAFIR+ series of repeater products and the digital SAFIR-T solution from RADIODATA both provide secure communication between mobile users and thus supporting first responders in case of an incident, helping to avoid that lives and property are at stake.


Optical RF Distribution
Optical RF disribution systems extend the RF coverage in large buildings
In-Building Coverage
Safe and secure commuinications in public buildings like hospitals, conferenc centers, malls, airports, train stations etc.
DIPRA® - Digital Professional Radio
Reliable DMR Tier II and Tier III communications systems
Mining Radio Communication
Radio Communication Systems tailored for the needs of mining companies
DMR -Simulcast solutions for Tier II and Tier III
Portable Mobile Radio
Portable Mobile Radio solutions
Audio Processing Gateway
A compact device to integrate digital and analog radio systems
High quality RF components for 50 MHz up to 500 MHz
Groundplane-Antennas for analog and digital radio systems