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Optical TETRA Distribution Networks

Optical signal distributions enable the distribution of radio signals if the objects to be covered are so extensive that a single radio location is not sufficient for coverage.

Optical signal distribution systems consist of three main components: The Optical Master Unit (OMU) converts the radio signals into light, the fibre optic cables (FO) distribute them in the object and Optical Remote Units (RU) generate RF signals from the light again and transmit them amplified.

RADIODATA integrates optical distribution systems, in particular from Hungarian manufacturer BHE. These technically mature systems are used in a large number of national and international projects in the areas of mobile radio, public transport and industry. The intelligent utilisation of several wavelength ranges enables a particularly economical setup especially for the OMUs.

RADIODATA offers OMUs and RUs with different numbers of interfaces and technical features, enabling customised solutions for both small and complex projects with maximum availability and cost-effectiveness.

Optical Master Units (OMU)

The Optical Master Unit from manufacturer BHE is available in three types with different numbers of optical interfaces:

  • With four optical connections, the BRMF56-04 offers the most economical solution for properties that can be supplied with one or two redundantly connected remote units.
  • With eight optical connections, the BRMF57-08 offers sufficient reserves for supplying larger objects.
  • The modular BRMF55-xx-16 (up to 16 optical interfaces) or the BRMF55-xx-32 (up to 32 optical interfaces) offer maximum flexibility and are also suitable for very complex objects or systems with future extensions.

TETRA Remote Units (RU)

The available selection of different versions of TETRA remote units also ensures technically and commercially optimised adaptation to the specific project. The remote units are available with two different maximum total powers and single or redundant fibre optic connections:

  • BRTF28 (single fibre optic connection) and BRTF26 (redundant fibre optic connection)
    Max. total RF power 33 dBm, enabling the economical supply of objects with few RF carriers or with shorter slotted cables
  • BRTF37 (single fibre optic connection) and BRTF15 (redundant fibre optic connection)
    Max. total RF power 36 dBm, enabling the supply of larger objects

External alarm inputs allow the integration of UPS messages, a door contact, etc. These messages can be forwarded to the optical master unit via the fibre optic cable and output there via a fault signal contact.

High availability through redundancy

The availability of the radio supply is adapted to the requirements of the project through redundancies at various levels. Device redundancy is achieved by feeding a slotted cable through two remote units on both sides if each remote unit can illuminate the area to be supplied on its own.

The connection between the optical master unit and the remote units via two fibre optic cables laid in different routes enables automatic compensation for the failure of one fibre optic cable.


Optical RF Distribution
Optical RF disribution systems extend the RF coverage in large buildings
In-Building Coverage
Safe and secure commuinications in public buildings like hospitals, conferenc centers, malls, airports, train stations etc.
DIPRA® - Digital Professional Radio
Reliable DMR Tier II and Tier III communications systems
Mining Radio Communication
Radio Communication Systems tailored for the needs of mining companies
DMR -Simulcast solutions for Tier II and Tier III
Portable Mobile Radio
Portable Mobile Radio solutions
Audio Processing Gateway
A compact device to integrate digital and analog radio systems
High quality RF components for 50 MHz up to 500 MHz
Groundplane-Antennas for analog and digital radio systems