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DIPRA® - Dispatcher

The DIPRA® dispatcher location serves as a means to manage a fleet of mobile users via a DIPRA® DMR Tier III radio retwork. It is connected to the DIPRA® switch exploiting an IP interface and facilitates a simple and intuitive call set-up by means of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

The following functions are part of the basic version of the DIPRA® dispatcher location utilizing a single screen:

  • Set-up of individual calls, group calls and conference calls, acceptance of individual calls
  • Alternatively, calls may be sent to individuals or to mobile radios (as a prerequisite, users have to register with their user-ID)
  • Calls may be put on hold, toggled between them, connected and monitored
  • Set-up and acceptance of emergency calls with optical and audio alerting. If necessary, existing calls are cleared down in favor of the emergency call.
  • Identification of calling or called users, displayed by their calling numbers or by their names
  • Recording and playback of calls at the DIPRA®dispatcher location
  • Authentification of the dispatcher with name and password
  • Usage of multi-level user profiles with different access rights
  • Simple customization in terms of GUI, audio signals and audio level, etc.
  • Multi-lingual support of the user interface
  • Encryption of digital signals between DIPRA® dispatcher location and DIPRA® switch

A variety of additional functions allow the precise adaptation of the DIPRA® Dispatcher Location to the requirements of a customer project:

  • Pre-defined or free text messages may be submitted to individual users or groups
  • Text messages may be received, modified and redirected to others
  • Display of registered mobile terminals by automatic periodical test on their reachability
  • Graphical support for the set-up of dynamic group calls
  • Display of mobile user positions and routes on maps
  • A second screen may be installed to improve the overall view for the dispatcher
  • Automatic centering of the position of the mobile user on a map displayed on the screen in case of an emergency call
  • Multi-client capability for using the DIPRA® DMR Tier III Radio Network by several fleets
  • Support of security functions of mobile terminals, e.g. a man down feature
  • Locking and unlocking of a mobile terminal (e.g. after a terminal is lost)

Hardware Components

The DIPRA® Dispatcher Location consists of a modular system of components, thoroughly geared to each other, in order to facilitate an ergonomic and a fatigue-proof usage even over a longer period of time:

  • Touchscreen
  • Integrated loudspeaker and interface for an external loudspeaker
  • Handset with tray
  • Goose-neck microphone with Push-to-Talk function (PTT) [Option]
  • Headset, wireless [Option]

The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has set the basis for a world-wide accepted Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) technology with its DMR specifications TS 102 361 part 1 to part 4.

The specifications offer two levels of complexity - Tier II and Tier III - for operating mobile terminals with repeaters and for radio networks with a switchboard, respectively. Both tiers are exploiting licensed spectrum.

RADIODATA develops, manufactures and sells DMR Tier III Radio Networks under the brand name DIPRA®, comprising switches, basestations in standard or simulcast technology, mobile terminals, mobile data modems, dispatcher locations and custom-tailored applications. DIPRA® DMR Tier III Radio Systems allow to set up scalable and exclusively usable voice and data communication networks.

DIPRA® Radio Networks support the versatile facilities of data communication as laid down in the DMR specification.


Optical RF Distribution
Optical RF disribution systems extend the RF coverage in large buildings
In-Building Coverage
Safe and secure commuinications in public buildings like hospitals, conferenc centers, malls, airports, train stations etc.
DIPRA® - Digital Professional Radio
Reliable DMR Tier II and Tier III communications systems
Mining Radio Communication
Radio Communication Systems tailored for the needs of mining companies
DMR -Simulcast solutions for Tier II and Tier III
Portable Mobile Radio
Portable Mobile Radio solutions
Audio Processing Gateway
A compact device to integrate digital and analog radio systems
High quality RF components for 50 MHz up to 500 MHz
Groundplane-Antennas for analog and digital radio systems